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ai_licia pour Discord

Que vous démarriez une nouvelle communauté ou que vous en gériez une établie, qu'il s'agisse d'un petit groupe d'amis, d'une communauté de créateurs de contenu, d'une communauté de jeux ou d'une communauté autour d'un produit, ai_licia est votre co-animatrice et gestionnaire de communauté idéal !

  • Can I change ai_licia's name on Twitch?
    Yes you can! We provide a detailed guide on how to do it in our Dashboard
  • How do I suggest new features?
    You can join our Discord community to suggest new features, or create a feature request in our Public Roadmap.
  • How does ai_licia handle sensitive or inappropriate content?
    We apply the relevant moderation to comply with the platform’s ToSs where ai_licia is used.
  • In how many languages is ai_licia available?
    ai_licia is currently available in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Dutch, Polish, Chinese (Mandarin) and Japanese. If your language is not listed there, you can suggest it as a new supported language, and we will be happy to add it.
  • Does ai_licia have a TTS?
    Yes, ai_licia has a TTS, available to everyone. You can also use our Pro Voices for better, more realistic voices.
  • What is our data retention policy?
    We retain personal data only as long as necessary for the purposes outlined above. Specifically, the personal email of streamers is retained indefinitely unless a deletion request is made. Public data is processed for deletion as requests come in.
  • How does ai_licia ensure user privacy while using AI technology?
    ai_licia is designed with user privacy in mind. We use encryption (HTTPS) to protect data during transfer and ensure that only minimal necessary data on our users is collected. Personal data, such as emails, are stored securely, and we adhere to GDPR compliance to safeguard user privacy.
  • How do we ensure data security?
    We ensure data security by: • Storing data in databases with network-restricted access and private access through rotated keys. • Encrypting all data transfers through HTTPS to ensure secure communication.
  • Where and how is the data collected from?
    The data is collected from two primary sources: Public API of the platforms: We access data through the public APIs of the platforms where ai_licia is integrated. Dashboard: Community leaders can input additional data through the dashboard fields.
  • Does ai_licia use any user data for training its AI models?
    No, ai_licia does not use personal data collected from users for training its AI models. Any data used for improving ai_licia’s capabilities is public data from the Platforms where ai_licia operates.
  • Who is the data shared with or sold to?
    We do not sell any data, nor share them for commercial use. We share some data with our cloud infrastructure platform for debugging purposes and with our alerting platform to monitor channel names for prompt incident response. Additionally, we share information about new subscriptions with Rewardful as part of our affiliate program, ensuring proper reward processing.
  • What rights do users have over their data?
    We aim to always be fully compliant with GDPR. Users have the following rights: • Access: Users can request access to their personal data. • Correction: Users can request corrections to their data if they find inaccuracies. • Deletion: Users can request the deletion of their data.
  • How can users contact us regarding their data?
    Users can contact us through the form below to request access, correction, deletion, or other inquiries regarding their personal data.
  • How can users provide feedback or report issues with ai_licia?
    Users can provide feedback or report issues in our Discord community. We value user input and strive to address any concerns promptly.
  • How does ai_licia update its AI models and software?
    ai_licia’s AI models and software are updated regularly to improve functionality, security, and user experience. These updates are conducted with minimal disruption to users, and significant changes are communicated through our dashboard, discord community or directly to affected users.
  • Is my voice stored?
    No, we don't store your voice.
  • Will ai_licia monitor my activities when I'm not streaming live on Twitch?
    ai_licia do not monitor or track you in any ways, and stops any activities once the stream is over on Twitch.
  • Can users opt out of data collection or specific AI functionalities?
    Yes, users can opt out of data collection processes. However this will prevent them to interact with ai_licia. Community leaders can manage these users through the dashboard, and any users can request data deletion through our website.
  • What data is collected?
    ai_licia accesses public data according to the Terms & Conditions of the platform it is integrated with. For Community Members, we store two main types of data: the message content and the username of the user posting a message on a channel. For Community Leaders (streamers or Discord administrators), we collect only one private data point: their email. Any additional data collected through the dashboard is optional and controlled by the community leader.
  • Can ai_licia collect personal data on any of my viewers/community members?
    No, ai_licia doesn't have access to personal data of your viewers or community members.
  • Is ai_licia compliant with other international data protection regulations besides GDPR?
    While our primary compliance focus is on GDPR, we also aim to comply with other international data protection regulations, such as CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) and others, as applicable. We continuously review and update our practices to align with global standards.
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