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[AI TTS] ai_licia x ElevenLabs


AI TTS has become very popular on Twitch the last few years, and it has become part of the standard streaming experience.

We released our AI TTS in October last year and published an article showcasing its features. As we have just done a massive update to our TTS, it felt like the right time to publish an updated article.

We are super excited to share that we are partnering with ElevenLabs to give you access to the best AI voices! 

Our Voices

We are building our collection of voices, powered by ElevenLabs, that can be used in many languages.

To give you a better idea of how they sound like, watch this short Youtube video:

You can also watch these shorts to see the difference with the non premium voices:

TTS configuration

In addition to choosing the voice you want ai_licia to use, you can give more guidelines on how she should blend into your stream.

You can: 

  • Adjust the volume of the TTS

  • Filter out the emote

  • Decide that ai_licia will say her messages only when she is talking you to

  • Add an intro sound that will be played before ai_licia starts speaking 

In addition, if you are also using our Speech Recognition system, ai_licia will wait for you to stop speaking before she speaks!


If you clips your interactions with ai_licia’s TTS on Twitch, tag us on social media platforms and we will gladly repost your content!

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