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ai_licia on Discord: Join the wait list!

Updated: 4 days ago


We are super excited to open our wait list for ai_licia on Discord!

As online community builders, we faced the challenges of building and activating our communities. You quickly realise it’s a full time job, much easier when you have people helping you. Thing is, unless you can pay these people, they will step down at some point, and you are back to having to manage your community on your own.

Since we launched ai_licia on Twitch, having her on Discord has been our most requested development by our users. We wanted to have her on Discord from the start, and we knew it would come at the right time.

We plan to launch a first alpha version for testing around August, and if you want to be among the first testers, you are in the right place!

What we want to do

Imagine having someone who genuinely cares about your community, answering questions, checking in on your plans, and helping you execute them. This person isn’t just a community manager; they’re a friend who understands your community inside and out. 

That’s what ai_licia will do!

With ai_licia, imagine a community where every member feels seen and heard. 

She’s the heart and soul of your Discord server. She will:

  • Personalise Interactions: Tailor conversations to match the tone and interests of each member, making them feel uniquely valued. 

  • Proactive Engagement: Spontaneously engage and activate the community by suggesting discussion and interact with already expressed interest 

  • Event Coordination: Help organise and promote community events, send reminders, and follow-up with attendees to gather feedback.

ai_licia is designed to operate not just within Discord but across multiple platforms:

  • Cross-Platform Memory: She remembers past interactions, no matter where they occurred, on Twitch, Discord, or any future platforms - creating a cohesive community experience.

  • Unified Community Management: Manage member interaction, ensuring consistency in community management.

ai_licia acts as an on-call Community Manager for community leaders, providing support whenever needed - Bouncing idea, suggesting activity, help on moderation, and more!

As ai_licia interacts with your community, she learns and adapts:

  • Adaptive Learning: Continuously learns from interactions to improve responses and actions. 

  • Customisable Features: Tailor ai_licia's capabilities to fit the unique needs and culture of your community.

Join the wait list

As we said earlier, we expect to release a first alpha in August. We will onboard a people from the wait list through different waves, and iterate through their feedbacks. If you want to help shape the future of ai_licia on Discord, fill this form: 

You can also join our Discord community to chat with us and give us ideas on what you would like ai_licia to do on Discord.

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